Zucchini tater tots


If you are finding yourself overrun with zucchini right now, this is a great recipe to try! It’s great for those huge zucchini clubs that are made for shredding.

the blonde tressed runner


Just make these.  That’s really all I’m going to say.  I thought they would be a real pain in the ass to make because you have to shape each tot, but they come together so easily, it goes really fast.  I like that.

Also, USE A HAND GRATER for the potatoes.  A food processor will potentially turn your partially cooked potato into a nice ball of goo…speaking from experience here!  I did manage to get plenty of potato shreds using my food processor, but I also had a nice gooey mess on my hands with the Yukon Gold potato that got smeared all over the blade.  The only reason I didn’t use my box grater is because it was in the dishwasher.

Zucchini Tater Tots (adapted from She Likes Food) 

2-3 large potatoes, peeled (use a dry potato like a Russet or Purple Viking, or another type at your own risk–waxy potatoes are…

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Week 12 goodies

Community Supported Agriculture, CSA


Sweet corn is here!  And more watermelon!  We have another beautiful share this week.  We have cabbage, and kale, and Romaine lettuce, too!  I think I will have to make cabbage pockets, as they are a favorite in my house.  Enjoy this week’s share!

Don’t forget you can now sign up for Fall Shares, too!

Sign up for a fall share!

Community Supported Agriculture, CSA

Hello fellow locavores!

I know it may seem premature (or even depressing) to begin thinking about fall, but it is time to plan ahead for our fall share. If you just can’t get enough of local produce in 20 weeks, you’re in luck! We’re going to offer a Fall Share for 6 weeks beginning immediately after our Summer Share ends October 13. The Fall Share will run October 20 – November 24, which is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. If you were with us last fall, you may remember we got pie pumpkins and other Thanksgiving-y items like potatoes, carrots, and onions to make your meal more local. What else can you expect in a fall share? Mostly lots of root vegetables, like potatoes, carrots, beets, parsnips, and storage onions. But we also get grains like lentils, farro, chickpeas, or split peas and the occasional green leafy thing like kale or spinach. If you are interested in a fall egg share, we’ll have those available as well. We don’t offer fun, cheese, or milk shares in the fall.

We’ll have sign up forms at the pick up next week, so if you are interested in staying with us as long as possible, bring your checkbook with you to the pick up!  Or, click the link below to print out a form and either bring it with you to the pick up or mail it to our P.O. Box.

Fall Share 2015 Membership Form

Spicy Refrigerator Dill Pickles


the blonde tressed runner


My evenings seem to be filled nearly every night these days. If I’m not working on the project-that-will-never-die, then I’m either cleaning garlic, at the gym, trail running, doing something in the garden (either at home or at the community garden), writing my book, cooking dinner, or doing the dishes. There are other things going on, too I’m sure, but hell if I can remember. I do know with certainty that blogging hasn’t been one of them lately. But tonight I felt I needed to share my refrigerator pickle recipe because I have been eating these suckers like crazy the past several days. Oh! I just remembered something else. Kayaking! I did go this past weekend (Stinker loves, loves, loves, to go kayaking):


Alrighty. Back to pickles. I got a handful of pickling cucumbers from one of our new CSA growers last week, just to try out. Not enough to process with…

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Week 10–we’re halfway through the summer share season!

Community Supported Agriculture, CSA, Food


Greetings, everyone!  It’s hard to believe we are already at Week 10!  That means two things: the share season is half over and things are beginning to ramp up on the farms!  This week we have a beautiful share: Chinese cabbage (from Wild Sage, one of our local Helena Valley producers), Roma tomatoes, green bell peppers, yellow squash, and garlic (from yours truly, grown in my front yard right here within the city limits of Helena).  This looks like a stir fry share to me, what do you think?  If you are thinking along those same lines, we still have a couple of bottles of Teriyaki sauce for sale, too!  Enjoy!
