Week 12: eggplant curry will cure these hazy summer day blues

CSA, Food, Recipes

It should come as no surprise that I love food of all kinds, but I particularly love curries. I love the way the simple act of combining 7 or 8 spices into an exotic mixture carries the aroma of far away places to my kitchen. Since I can’t travel to India right now, I’ll settle […]

via Spice up your day with a little eggplant curry — My Urban Farmgal Life

Week 10 — some ideas on how to use the fennel and patty pan squash

CSA, Recipes

This week’s share gave us patty pan squash (y’know, those little squashes that look like flying saucers?), fennel, and Roma tomatoes. Oh! And BASIL. So I decided to grill for dinner last night, and I added a sweet onion, a few mushrooms, and some Brie cheese to the mix. Then I topped everything with a […]

via Grilling in the backyard: summer squash, fennel,

Week 9 recipe will make good use of those green beans

CSA, Food, Recipes

Dang it’s been hot lately! I think July is going to set some records here in Helena and elsewhere around Montana. When it gets really hot sometimes my appetite goes the way of the dodo and nothing sounds good to eat. I tend to focus on juicy fruits and vegetables–apples, nectarines, tomatoes, cucumbers, sugar snap […]

via Heat got your appetite down? Maybe this bean and grain salad will sound good! — My Urban Farmgal Life

Fall Share Week 1

Community Supported Agriculture, CSA, Food


Fall is in the air today.  It’s a chilly, overcast, drizzly sort of day.  A great day for soup.  Maybe butternut squash soup?  Potato-carrot soup?  Or how about a butternut squash and kale risotto?  Or maybe roasted carrots and potatoes?  There are several possibilities to use up these beauties.  With tomatoes to remind us that summer hasn’t been gone for too long, we’re off to a great start with our fall share.  More root vegetables and leafy greens in your future for the next 5 weeks!

Week 19–hope you like carrots!

Community Supported Agriculture, CSA, Food


We have a bumper crop of carrots for you this week!  More beautiful, colorful ones like we got two weeks ago.  If you can’t use them all up fresh, slice them and freeze them, then you can have them steamed all winter long.  I also shredded several to use in making carrot cake this winter.  We have some delicious Liberty apples this week as well.  They have a nice tart flavor, so they would be perfect for a pie.  But they are just as delicious for fresh eating!  We round out our last-hopes-of-summer share this week with a mix of tomatoes, tomatillos, and cipollini onions.

Fun share this week is linguine and broccoli raab sausage, so I’m going to use the tomatoes and onions to make a marinara sauce and we’re having a pasta night!  Enjoy!  Next week is our last week so if you want to keep the goodies coming for another 6 weeks, don’t forget to sign up for our fall share!

Week 18 is another beautiful share

Community Supported Agriculture, CSA, Food


It’s beginning to look a little like fall around here, both outside and in the kitchen.  The leaves are turning and falling just as quickly, and we’ve had a hard freeze in the valley that took out the last of the tomatoes and summer squashes, much to our growers’ dismay.  But, we have a great selection of late summer produce for you today: cilantro, tomatoes, potatoes, mixed beets, and rainbow chard.  You can’t go wrong with this week’s share!  Enjoy!